Rep Soccer
Our Rep teams begin each season with our Tryout week. The tryouts for the season are being held the week of September 2st at Trafalgar Sports Park. Shortly before the tryouts, coaches are appointed by the Board and those names are posted on our website.
The GSC offers both Red and White teams at each age group where numbers are sufficient and coaches are available. The main focus of the tryouts this weekend is to allow the Red team (which is the first team at each age group) coaches to choose their core roster. Roster numbers vary based on the age group and coach. Based on the results of these tryouts, decisions will be made as to whether or not there will be a White team next year. Sufficient numbers is the key factor to be considered in making this decision. Players must make every effort to attend both tryouts. If they are unable to attend, please contact the coach listed on the GSC website.
We are also, at some age groups, determining the number of teams that we should be fielding for next year. As an example, if we identify a low turnout or don’t feel that there is sufficient ability to allow the players to have an enjoyable season at a certain age group we may decide to only have one team at that age or perhaps no team at all if the numbers/talent do not appear to be there. That is why it is important that all players who are interested come to at least both tryouts if possible. We will be making these decisions after this weekend.
All rep coaches are required to select a core roster.
Players who are selected to participate on a Rep or Development team are part of the Georgetown Soccer Club's Competitive Program which is overseen by our Club Technical Director, Howie Oram, and the staff coaches. We want to thank all the volunteer coaches who assist us with this program.
If your child is interested in playing up one age groups, he/she must have the permission of our Club Technical Director, Howie Oram. A request to play up must be made in writing to Howie at least 2 days prior to the September 21st tryout. Requests can be sent to info@georgetownsoccerclub.com. If granted permission, the player must also attend the tryout for their age group as well.
2022 Rep Program
Training twice per week at Trafalgar Sports Park in September and October
Training twice per week at the Acton indoor field in November
Training once per week at the Acton indoor facility from January to April
Training twice per week at the Kiwanis turf field in April and May
Exhibition game timeslots at Kiwanis, as available, in fall and spring
Grass field training from May to September (schedule to be determined by team coach)
Rep games from May to August / September
Home and away uniform (shirt, shorts and socks)
Rep/development banquet ticket
Mentor coach support throughout the year as scheduled and as requested
Participation in an indoor league is in addition to the Rep Program fees