Concussion Awareness & Rowan's Law
"On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan's Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.
If you are an athlete under 26 years of age*, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official an your sport organization has advised that you need to follow the rules of Rowan's Law you need to:
review any one of Ontario's official Concussion Awareness Resources before registering or serving with your sport organization; and
review your sport organization's Concussion Code of Conduct that they will provide you; and
confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources every year with your sport organization(s)
*Exception: A sport organization that is a University, College of Applied Arts and Technology or other Post-Secondary Institution will be advising athletes of any age that they need to follow the rules of Rowan's Law."
Georgetown Soccer Club Concussion Remove From Return to Play Policy
Georgetown Soccer Club Player Concussion Code of Conduct
Georgetown Soccer Club Coaches Concussion Code of Conduct
Ontario Soccer Concussion Awareness
Ontario Soccer Concussion Policy
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklets: